Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Kylie's thoughtful ways of giving gifts...
"Mom, get up and open your present." I rolled out of bed and went to the tree and she gives me my present (in the meantime Dawson woke up too) -- it's wrapped and taped all the way around...and as I was holding this I was wondering what in the world?? I started opening it up and SURPRISE, it was my cell phone...LOL!!!
She says," see Mom, I told you it was fake." -- "DO YOU LIKE IT?" I said, "of course, I LOVE IT -- THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!!!"
Then we proceed with Dawson -- she gives Dawson two wrapped presents...one in wrapping paper and one in a piece of copy paper and Kirby wanted to help too -- so he grabbed one and started ripping it and Kylie freaked...but Dawson started on the other...and WAAALAAA it was two "My Little Ponies"! Dawson looked at me like, "what is this Mom?" He didn't know what to think. BUT, Kylie was quite excited about it...LOL!!!
Then it was Daddy's turn....and umm...yeah, Daddy's gift was no where to be found (Dave remembered her wrapping it). Dave says to Kylie, "umm...Kylie where's Daddy's gift...that's a very important one, we should find it." She says, "it's downstairs, you stay right here and I'll go get it." So she goes downstairs, grabs another piece of copy paper and the tape and a pen and I helped her wrap Daddy's gift. She gives it to him...and it's taped all over the place. He starts opening it and notices its HIS cell phone...he started jumping up and down, and saying, "thank you SOOOO much Kylie, this is exactly what I wanted -- How did you know this is what I wanted." and Kylie was just laughing!
So we had a very eventful Sunday morning that was just hilarious and Kylie put lots of thought into this morning :)
**I'm STILL laughing over this!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Guitar Hero "Rockstars"
Kylie got her hair cut in a salon...
As I mentioned in an earlier post...
Promised Pictures!
Kylie and her friend Madison
Kylie and her friend Kristen
Thursday, December 18, 2008
A few other highlights...
Kylie had her Christmas dance recital on December 13, 2008 and Grandma, Grandpa and Grandma Denis came to watch. It was a lot of fun and Kylie looked beautiful as always! :) She is doing really well this year and really getting into it. This is her second year of dance and she's really enjoying it! (Again, pictures to come -- I haven't had time to get them uploaded.
This last Monday, we had some nasty snow storms come through and Dawson only allowed us about 4 hours of sleep, so I ended up calling into work and kept the kids home with me and around 9:30 a.m., Dave rolled in and said his crew didn't show up, so we had a nice family day at home. Kylie and I baked peanut butter/hershey kiss cookies and Dave baked his chex mix -- we had a really fun day!
As for the upcoming holidays, we have a busy few days (as if it hasn't been busy all month, LOL)...on Saturday, Grandma is taking the kids so we can get some gifts wrapped and then that afternoon, we have Christmas at my Aunt Ivette's house in Anoka with my Mom's side of the family and then on Sunday morning, we're headed down to Albert Lea to celebrate Christmas with the Sletten's (Dave's Mom). With Kylie getting into the whole entire Santa thing now and Dawson not far behind, we've decided we will be staying close to home for Christmas Day. I'm super excited for this year as its Dawson first year hopefully opening gifts and now that Kylie is a bit older, she totally gets into it. :)
If I don't get to post prior to Christmas -- I hope everyone has a safe and Merry Christmas!!
Dawson's 15 month check-up
His new thing is to crawl underneath the sink cupboard where the garbage can goes...as soon as Dave or I pull the garbage can out to take it out, he's right there ready to get in...it's really funny (picture to come). He's starting to really interact with Kylie and she's really enjoying his company these days...they play so well together (most of the time) and yes, Kylie will literally run from one end of the house to the other and Dawson will chase her and just laughs...they both find that hilarious!! Dave and I just sit back (usually) and watch them, it's so much fun to watch them interact and watch Dawson learning each and everything that Kylie now does...he catches on quite quickly and is starting to copy everything she does :)
Sunday, December 14, 2008
It's been a long time since I updated...
Grandma Semple and Dawson
Over Thanksgiving weekend, we got our Christmas lights put on the house and our Christmas tree up! It's beautiful. This is our first year with a fake tree...unfortunately with Dave and Kylie's allergies, we're unable to get a real tree anymore :( But we were fortunate enough to get a tree from my aunt and uncle and it's big and beautiful -- we love it :) Kylie had a blast being able to help decorate and thought it was really cool putting her own ornaments on the tree! But I was really in the spirit early this year, I was super excited to get the tree up and couldn't wait to get it done! We also got a lot of our Christmas shopping done early too! Now, we just have to find time to wrap! :)
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Update on Weight Watchers!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Quick updates!
He also has learned the word "that"! If he wants something he'll say "that". LOL! It's quite hilarious...I figured he picked it up from us, saying, do you want that? What do you say if you want that? What is that? But he's totally able to identify items and identify things that he wants. He'll bring us right to what he wants. If he wants milk, he'll go the fridge and try to open it...lol. If he wants a banana (seriously his obsession!), he'll walk over to the counter with his arms up and say, "that"!
This morning, Dawson was in the kitchen with Dave while he was making his lunch and Kirby barked because he needed in and Dave says to Dawson, is Kirby outside? Dawson seriously walked over and kindof peeked his head around the counter corner (under the breakfast bar) and pointed and said "that" and then waived "HI"!!! We laughed and thought that was soo cool! :) He's learning so fast -- it's like a month ago, he wasn't walking and now he's walking, talking and acknowledging things and dancing like crazy! It's so much fun!
As for Miss Kylie -- she also is growing up so darn fast! Her imagination is running like crazy and she's constantly telling us stories! She loves to play waitress and loves to pretend play in any way she can! She's going through a phase right now, that she's afraid of the shadows in her room...so we've tried to do some rearranging in her room to avoid some of the shadows, but its quite hard to do. So we've started to make things in the shadows to make it fun for her instead of frightening.
This coming up weekend, we are headed to Dave's Dad's house in Sioux City, Iowa. Kylie is super excited, she loves playing with Dave's two little sisters! It's about a 6 hour drive from our house, so this will be both of the kids' longest drive/ride in the car. We'll see how they do and the Kirby is off to see his friends for 4 days -- he loves going to the kennels :)
I hope everyone has a fabulous Thanksgiving!!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
We have a walker!!!!
Have a great weekend!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Halloween 2008
Here are a few pictures of the kids and Kylie and her friend Kristen and her brother Josh:

It's been awhile...
Over the last week, the kids have came down with some yucky cold. Last week, Tuesday (Election Day), I took the day off, since the kids didn't have daycare, I thought it would be a great day for a Mommy day with the kids. We got up, played a bit, went and voted, I stopped at the park on our way out of town, so they could play a bit and then we dropped a couple bags off at Goodwill. We then had a nice lunch with Jamie, Lydia and Elizabeth. :) The kids were completely exhausted when we got in the car after lunch. When we got home, I put them back to sleep in their rooms and Kylie just did not want to get up. I finally got her up around 4:00 -- to try and eat some dinner before dance that night. We got to dance and she just wanted to "cuddle". She had no desire to dance...did not even step foot on the dance floor. So I ended up taking her home and discovered she had a 103 degree temp. I, of course, felt terrible for taking her out of dance upset because she wouldn't dance :( But we then got her some medicine and snuggled a bit. She ended up staying home from daycare on Weds. with Dave and has been doing a bit better as time goes on. She still coughs quite frequently while sleeping, but we've also been doing her nebulizer a couple times a day, in which I hope to think helps :)
As for Dawson, he has had a runny nose since the weekend and part of late last week and finally yesterday, he got hit with the cough and its nasty!! Poor little guy. He still seems to be in high spirits for the most part. But when he wants to go to bed, he wants to go now! He did snuggle a bit last night, which was nice, because this little guy does not snuggle.
Oh yes and I have to post photos from Halloween yet! :)
Friday, October 31, 2008
Pumpkin Carving Time!
Our trip to the Pumpkin Patch
Kylie's Halloween Party at Dance!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Our weekend in Wisconsin
(Dawson pretending to drive -- it was quite hilarious)
We got to Wisconsin around 10:40 and checked into our hotel in Ladysmith and then unloaded a bit and headed to the church in Sheldon (about 20 mins. away). It was really nice to see all the family -- we see them a couple times a year and that's usually when they come to MN.
There was quite a gap in between the wedding and the reception, so we went to the local bar and picked up a pizza to go and went back to our hotel room and ate some lunch and Dave and Kylie went swimming, while Dawson and I took a snoozer. When Dawson and Kylie got back from swimming, they ended up falling asleep too and we didn't get up until 4:40 and the reception was at 5 p.m. Good thing its only a couple miles away.
(The kids were having a blast dancing - before the band even started)
(My Cousin Angela (the bride) and Dawson dancing)
(My cousin Doug and Dawson dancing)
(Kylie and Cheyan - Eva's Daughter)
(Paige and Kylie dancing their hearts away)
(Dave, Kylie and Uncle Ryan dancing some more - it's a bit foggy as they had a fog machine going)!
We left the reception around 9:30ish and went home and we all took showers and headed to bed. We were just exhausted from traveling out there and having a long day!
Dawson got up at 5 a.m. -- woofta, that was early! We tried to ignore him, while he kept saying, Dada, Dada! LOL! Dave kept waiving to him and finally he laid back down and fell back to sleep until 830 a.m. :) We all got up, got ready for the day, had breakfast and visited with family for a bit longer and actually headed out around 9:45 a.m.
On our way home, as we were passing through the border, it started snowing -- YES SNOWING! Our first snowfall of the year! We also discovered that Dawson loves to eat his feet like his big sister!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Kylie, Kylie, Kylie...
So this morning Dave asks Kylie, "Kylie, what are you not going to do today? And she says, "kiss Declan!" Dave tells her that kissing isn't for little kids and only for grown ups (sometimes!)...LOL! :)
So that's our new news with her...she's a little ham!
Lydia's Baptism 10-19-08

.....until who know what happened...he was not happy at all! He just let it all out...you will probably never see this little guy cry this hard...lol.

We also got some super cute photos of all of us girls :) Lydia is still soo little -- she barely weighs 8 lbs. -- it's like holding a little doll.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
A couple accomplishments of Dawson over the weekend!
Dawson also learned to climb the steps!!!! WOOHOO!! I was upstairs and Dave was downstairs...all of a sudden I heard pounding on the entry way floor, I look down and little Dawson had climbed up the bottom steps to the entry way. He looks at me and laughs! I said, what are you doing? and he just laughs! So of course, he "attempted" to go back down, but that doesn't work to well yet, so Dave had to run after him before he fell. I will actually post a video of him climbing the steps a little later (I just haven't uploaded it yet)! :)