Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Sick :(
Wow, it has been FOREVER since I've posted!!
Dawson turned 2 on August 16...and had a big birthday party will all of his favorite friends, including Mickey Mouse!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Our first family vacation
We got out there on Thursday afternoon and Kylie was dying to go to the Deer Park. So we got settled in a bit and then headed to the Deer Park. It was so cool and Kylie did real well and loved hugging the deer. Dawson on the other hand, was perfectly fine around them, but he thought it was funny to chase the deer, in which they didn't like, they'd take off the other way! But Dawson thought it was just hilarious...of course he was crossing the grounds in which he wasn't supposed to be too!
As we were driving back, Kylie saw a rollercoaster that she wanted to go on...of course, we stopped and checked the height requirements and she was tall enough and I ended up going with her. All I can say is, "I'm glad I have a head left." That rollercoaster whipped you around like no tomorrow...I was laughing so hard though that I couldn't keep my own head in control as I had my arm around Kylie trying to keep her from getting whip lash...but it was fun and she got off and said, Wow, I won't go on that again, but it was fun!
We made it back to the campground and had a bonfire and the kids both had an ice cream treat and we went to bed...we were all tired from the long drive over.
On Friday, we got up and walked town a bit and bought our tickets for the Tommy Bartlett Exploratory and Tommy Bartlett Show and the Original Ducks. Kylie got a really cute tie die shirt and got to pick out her own iron on decal to put on it. :) We did end up going on the Ducks that same day! It was a ton of fun and the kids really enjoyed it. The one thing that was not good is the smell...it's nasty! The engine smokes like crazy from going to land and to water. But it was a really cool trip and both the kids really enjoyed it!
On Saturday, we took off right away in the morning to Noah's Ark Waterpark. All I can say is, "what a blast" we had!!! Kylie surprised us in many ways...she would go on rides that Grandpa wouldn't go on, but shhh...grandpa's a chicken! :) We did get Grandpa to go on a few things though -- I did receive a few pics as well. We had so much fun though. We then went home and Kylie of course, wanted to go swimming, so Grandpa took her to the pool at the campground and we all got ready because that night we were headed out to the Tommy Bartlett show! We did the Tommy Bartlett Exploratory prior to the actual show and the kids really enjoyed this as well. When we arrived at the Tommy Bartlett show, Dawson was exhausted and didn't want to sit still. He struggled throughout the entire show...but we made it to the end. It was hard to get photos during this time as it was dark...but what an awesome show!
Sunday a.m., we got up and Dave and my Dad had packed a lot the night before, but we packed up the remainder of our gear on Sunday a.m. and headed for home! It was nice to go home, but it was a TON of fun in the Dells. Definitely on our list for next year :) On our way out of town, we stopped at The Lumberjack, which is also known as "Paul Bunyan". It's an all you can eat food place. You only get a choice of certain foods and that's it, but it wasn't to bad, we all got full anyways!
Here is a link to our photos! Obviously, these are all of them, but what a blast we had -- we'll definitely have to do this again :)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Vikings Training Camp
We've had a busy last month...

Kylie has also switched dance studios over the summer and took a couple summer classes -- the first one was three weeks 1x/week - Leaps and it was a good class...I definitely see potential with that class and it keeps her going a bit through the summer and then the second one she just finished last night and that also was a three week class and it was Hip Hop! Awesome class and definitely more Kylie's style. We'll stick with doing Tap/Ballet/Jazz this year and see what she wants to do next year and we may include Hip Hop as well -- below is a video of Kylie learning some moves :)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Kylie can officially ride her bike WITHOUT training wheels!

GREAT JOB KYLIE -- Mommy and Daddy are SOO proud of you!!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Fun, busy, but somewhat laid back weekend!
On Saturday, Dave was planning on bringing his bike into the shop to get repaired, unfortunately, it wouldn't start :( That was not a good start to his day! Hopefully, we can get it into the shop this week to get it fixed, so I have my husband back...this broken bike thing isn't going so well at our household.
We went to Anoka to pick-up my ring at Gould's (which BTW, it's beautiful!!), soo happy, I'm finally married again and then we noticed Anoka was having their Riverfest, so we spent some time down there and walked around to all the little booths. It was fun!

Then on Sunday, we were L-A-Z-Y and Dawson wasn't feeling well (sick with his nasty cold) and could have probably slept all day. We woke him up around 10 a.m.

Kylie though, that girl is up at 6:30 everyday, no matter what! We went to Walmart to get groceries and Target to get diapers, and DOH! the parade was going on in Monti AND I94 was shut down due to the gas tanker turned over, so traffic was herrendous!! But we managed to get it all complete. We came home, ate lunch and then decided to go to Grandma and Grandpa's for a bit...Grandma took Dawson while we took Kylie to see the new Ice Age movie. She loved it -- what a cute movie! It would have been great to see it in 3D, but we weren't sure how Kylie would do with that and the glasses for an hour and a half. My little big brother finally decided to move out of Mom and Dad's, so we got to witness his "goodbyes" to Mom and Dad...I bawled my eyes out! I'm so happy for him though :)
Overall it was a good weekend -- we didn't get the lawn mowed and we didn't get the house clean, but what's new... :)
Friday, July 10, 2009
Dawson's First Corn on the Cob

4th of July Weekend

Monday, June 29, 2009
Dawson's Hair
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Father's Day 2009
When Dave was opening his Father's Day gift, it was in a Spiderman bag (the best part) and Kylie was like, you're going to love it, and as Dave was taking out the tissue paper, she's like, "its a Harley Davidson jacket"...lol. No surprises in our house! :) It was a "windbreaker/rain coat" in which I thought would have been a good coat to run around town with. Well we ended up taking it back and exchanging it for a different coat, which in turn, I really do like better and definitely know that Dave likes it better too :) So it all worked out perfectly!
I hope all of you Father's out there had a fabulous Father's Day :)
Kylie's first time in swimming lessons