Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Look what Kylie did....

She's been bugging us to get her hair cut short. Daddy has had a tough time with accepting this,but I finally just say yes. So I brought her up to the salon I go to and one of the girls had an opening and could get her in right away tonight. She was a bit afraid at first, but after a bit, she was quite excited and LOVED looking at herself in the mirror (as I was trying to not have the "scared" look on my face). It'll be so much easier for her to care for it during the summer. She was able to cut 10" off to donate to Lock of Love ( She is telling everyone that she is giving her hair to someone that needs it and to someone that is sick. She's just thrilled. I will be addressing the envelope and let her mail her hair herself. She's ADORABLE!!!!


She was SOO excited to be able to give someone her hair :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Please Spring hurry!

It's been a rough last week and 1/2. Dawson came down with pink eye early last week (first in one eye and then in both eyes) and then on Friday, Kylie got it! Good thing our clinic knows us and we didn't have to bring her in, they just called in a prescription for her! Then on Sunday, Kylie had it in both eyes!

Late last week, I came down with this NASTY cold...coughing and runny nose. It really kicked me in the butt came Sunday. I was misearable! I had plans to go and meet some friends at Gigi's in Mpls. on Sunday a.m., in which I was able to go, but by all means felt terrible and left early :( It's only gone downhill since then...I woke up Tuesday morning with a small cold sore that got bigger throughout the day and REALLY big on Wednesday morning when I woke up. I'm actually headed to the dr. to get some medicine for this thing!

Dawson woke up today, Wednesday morning, with pink eye AGAIN and IN BOTH EYES! I seriously cannot believe it! I know this stuff is contageous, but really?? Poor little guy -- both the kids are definitely feeling under the weather...they NEVER cry when I leave daycare and Monday morning, Kylie started crying and this morning, Dawson started bawling :( It just breaks my heart, I feel terrible leaving them. They aren't softy children normally, so when they "want me", I feel bad I cannot be there! But I know they are in GREAT hands with Sheila! :)

So lets hope we all get better soon!! This crud is no fun!!