Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Some other fun and exciting things!!

A couple weeks ago, Dave's Dad came up and we took his two girls, which are 7 and 8 (yes, Dave's sisters). :) It's soo amazing how Kylie resembles Christina so much! They are so much alike and actually look alike as well. We had a really fun time -- it was a lot of work, but it was fun. On Saturday, we took the kids to a park in St. Cloud (about 30 mins. from our house) and little did we know, it had a little water park with huge sprinklers there. Well that didn't last long and they were wet -- especially Christina, she loved it!! Kylie and Casey Jo held back a bit. They had an absolute blast though and it was great for them to let loose and burn some energy out there. When we got back, they begged to set up the sprinkler in the back yard, so we did that and they also made me some very special "dirt, grass and rock soup"! No, I did not try it...but they had a blast making it! :)

We've been trying to do some minor things to the house to "spiff" it up a little bit...we bought solid oak 6 panel doors for upstairs! We got them really reasonable and they were already stained and matched our oak perfectly! So we've been putting those up and buying new door handles. It's looks great!! It totally changes the look of the house and I love it!

Another project that we had this summer was to add a couple things to Kylie's swingset...we ended up putting a sandbox in as well as a rock climbing wall, which was for her birthday! She definitely did not let us forget about we were waiting for the accessories for it, she would constantly remind us that we still need to do the rock climbing was cute! We finally did finish it!

Some other exciting news!! Our daycare lady, Sheila, had her baby! It was a BOY -- Beau David! He is absolutely adorable! He weighed in at 10 lbs. 2 oz. Both Sheila and Beau are doing really well!

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