Tuesday, August 19, 2008

~Dawson's 1 year check-up~

Dawson had his 1 year check-up last night and for the most part everything looks good! Things were a little odd though...lol! The first thing they do when we get to the clinic is take his weight and height. He weighed in at 20# 14 oz. and oddly that's only a 10 oz. gain from his 9 month check-up, this put Dawson in the 10% tile. I was like WHAT? Kylie was never ever in the 10% tile for anything! It was quite strange! His height was 30 1/2", so that's a 1 1/2" growth spurt in that area and that puts him in the 90% tile for height! Then they also took his head measurement and that was at 18", another oddly thing, his 9 month appt. his head measured at 18 1/4". So we discovered with the head circumference that the helmet made that difference and obviously reshaped his head.

They were not concerned at all by his little weight gain, because it's obvious he eats and that he's growing, as he was in inches as well. Our little Dawson is just tall and lean at this point!

Otherwise, Dawson is doing great and still progressing on all levels. He ended up getting 3 shots last night and I felt so terrible for him. He never cries, so it broke my heart to hear him cry and whimper. :( He did really well and hung in there the best he could!

He goes back at 15 months...so lets all hope he's walking by then :) He's definitely getting around VERY well by crawling these days!

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