Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wow, time is flying...

I haven't posted since little Lydia's been born!! On that note, I haven't even been able to see her since she's been born either :( I was planning on going this weekend, then I came down with this darn head cold. So hopefully it'll all be gone by this weekend, so I can take a trip to see her. I haven't been able to see Owen either other than the one visit that Kylie and I went to meet him for the first time. I've been trying to make arrangements with Angie too and it just hasn't worked out :(

Things have been crazy and we've all been under the weather. Dave was sick with an extreme sore throat for a week and 1/2 and then last week, Dawson came down with a cold and then it was my turn this weekend -- which literally kept me in my PJ's and in bed or on the couch for 2 days straight and finally today, I feel a "tiny bit" better...but still definitely under the weather. Kylie's the only one that hasn't been really hit yet...she did complain that her ear was hurting a little and that her nose was running, so lets just hope it sticks to that and doesn't turn into anything more!

We've been busy the last few weeks with Kylie starting dance on Tuesday nights again. This is a session that goes until the middle of May -- it gets long, but it's fun to see her excel and do better each time! We decided not to bowl this year as everytime it came around (every other week), it felt like we were dragging ourselves there and its so hard to find a babysitter available every other week. So we decided to wait a few years until the kids are older and see where we sit with our schedules then. We were just trying to do too much and it gets quite overwhelming. So hopefully this will free up sometime this Winter. :)

Dawson...still not walking, but pulling himself up onto everything -- literally!! He'll stand there with no support for a second or two and then fall...and laughs and claps! This child is full of humor...we love it! Dawson's new thing is to feed himself one bite, and then feed Kirby one bite. Yah, you know where Kirby stands and sits every single time Dawson eats. We've had to try and put Kirby elsewhere, otherwise, it gets to be a game and Dawson doesn't eat his food -- little stinker, LOL! But every feeding, Kirby seriously HOVERS the highchair and will sit there and drool...and slobber waiting for something to fall or for it to be "his turn"! It's soo nasty! My floor will not stay clean for 15 mins.; with two kids and a dog, I cannot keep up. O-well, I guess there could be worse things right?

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