Kylie has been asking to go on a "family" walk as a So, after we got up this morning, had breakfast and decided to take a "family" bike ride. Of course, Kylie wanted to ride in the bike carrier, but its obvious she's a tad bit to big for it, so the backpack with our lunches took her place along with Dawson of course. So Dave got the bikes out and ready, and I packed our lunches and off to the park we went. It was an awesome family day and I couldn't have asked for more! Here are some cute photos of the kids from our fun family trip to the park!
He discovered the slide was hot after he sat on it -- ouch!
He loves swinging!
We've had an awesome Memorial Weekend! The weather has been absolutley gorgeous and of course, I'm extremely sun burned. We could not have asked for a better weekend! Tonight, we had company over...a friend of mine Kristine and her husband Jerry and their son Nicholas. It was so great to see them and see how much Nicholas has grown. Him and Dawson weren't quite sure of each other, but definitely opened up to each other. Nicholas LOVED Kirby...he laughed everytime he walked by him. His laugh was so cute -- here are a few photos of the boys :)
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